Hi There!
I'm Natasha Solomon —The Sustainable Success Coach™ a Bible Believing Woman of Faith, Wife, and Mother of two—Transforming The Way We Do Life and Business as a certified Transformational Speaker, Strategic Advisor, and Life Transformation Coach to high-performing purpose-driven women, entrepreneurs, coaches and consultants.
What I do Professionally
Over the years I have coached with and worked alongside many high-performing women and purpose-driven leaders who are in the business of transforming lives, and I know firsthand how challenging it can be to effectively manage your role as a leader and/or business owner, while also navigating your own personal growth and the complexities of deeply impactful life transitions (like marriage, parenthood, separation/divorce etc.).
I also know how important it is for you to continue to serve at the highest level both personally and professionally.
As a strategic advisor and expert in quality and performance improvement, I help high-performing women and purpose-driven leaders overcome decision fatigue, break free from uncertainty, and find the clarity needed to achieve sustainable success in life and business —using proven quality and performance improvement strategies to expand their leadership capabilities and enhance the quality of their decision-making process, for long-term success.
Working with me as your strategic partner means transforming your life in a way that expands your vision, increases your capacity, and builds resilience as a leader both inside and outside your home.
I am known for offering powerful shifts in perspective on stage as a Certified Transformational and Professional Speaker. I also offer private one-on-one executive coaching, courses and workshops on the following topics "Transformational Leadership, Self-mastery, Resilience, Personal Growth, Empowered Decision Making, Quality, and Performance Improvement" and teach young women between the ages of12-18 years old, how to thrive in womanhood and lead in life. This especially brings me joy because I'm blessed with the opportunity to nurture the leaders and changemakers of tomorrow.

Who I am Personally
As a young girl growing up in South America, I dreamt of living an impactful and powerful life. To me this meant I had to become the "ideal", or in other words, a "perfect" woman. Over the years I found myself trying to live up to an unrealistic expectation of that "ideal", which left me feeling disempowered, defeated and worst of all broken, like I had somehow failed at not only womanhood, but also in life.
An unrealistic view of womanhood did not prepare me for real life as a woman. It certainly did not prepare me for the realities of life as a wife, mother, and young professional out in a world that neither recognized nor knew who I was. Everything was happening all at once.
I was ill-equipped mentally and emotionally for the deeply impactful life transitions I was experiencing. I struggled to be the perfect wife and mother, daughter, sister and friend, while nurturing a corporate profession, starting a non-profit, and toying with the idea of entrepreneurship. As a result, I struggled with a sense of identity and lost my family and myself in the process.

Core Values
Faith: Belief in the God of the Bible and the Holy Trinity.
Love: An infallible ability to do for others as much as for oneself.
Grace: Virtue. refined, dignified and courteous.
Truth: There is only one truth.
Surrender: Yielding to the authority of your spirit.
Sacrifice: Letting go of something good for something greater.
Integrity: The moral responsibility to honor ourselves and others.
After just five years of marriage, I divorced my husband and embarked on a journey of rediscovery, which ultimately led to redemption. It allowed me to restore what I thought was once lost and rebuild what I thought was broken. After five years of separation my husband and I reconciled our marriage, created a beautiful home, and are working together to create a kinder and more loving world for our children.
My womanhood story has been and continues to be the inspiration and the reason why I do what I do —and that is helping other high-performing women and purpose-driven leaders align their vision with proven strategies for improving the quality of their life and leadership for sustainable success, without losing what matters most.
Today, I use my story of redemption as a catalyst to walk alongside other high-performing women and purpose-driven leaders who struggle with creating consistent congruence between their personal identity and their professional ambitions.
Helping them to navigate the complexities of deeply impactful life transitions, while managing their own personal and professional growth to overcome uncertainty and gain clarity.
Aligning their vision and values with proven strategies for exponential personal growth and sustainable success in life and business.
Amplifying their purpose in order to create more impact in the world by enhancing the quality of their life, leadership, and business.

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