Exponential Growth & Performance Optimization for Your Next Level of Womanhood, Life and Leadership

The New Ideal Podcast
A radically new conversation about womanhood, life and leadership —engaging deeply, drawing wisdom from timeless biblical truth, sharing insights from my own lived experiences and stories from some incredible guests, to inspire elevated and empowered living.
Shaping a "New Ideal" that challenges you to re-examine everything you've been taught and as a consequence believe about yourself, about womanhood, and about leadership. My hope is that you will not only understand yourself better, but that you will also have a renewed appreciation for the assignment you've been given and allow God to reposition you for sustainable success in every area of your life.
Stay tuned for an all-new season of The New Ideal podcast launching very soon!
​Be sure to listen, subscribe, leave a comment and share with the amazing women and leaders in your life. I'd love to hear your feedback.​
In the meanwhile you can listen to past episodes of the podcast formerly titled "Reimagine Womanhood" at the link below.

Sharing insights from The New IDEAL Podcast and so much more!
Topics include shaping a "New Ideal" that challenges us to re-examine everything we've been taught and as a consequence believe about ourselves, about womanhood, and about leadership. My hope is that you will not only understand yourself better, but that you will also have a renewed appreciation for the assignment you've been given and allow God to reposition you for sustainable success in every area of your life.
Click the link below to read blog posts and stay tuned for all-new topics launching very soon!
​Be sure to leave a comment and share with the amazing women and leaders in your life. I'd love to hear your feedback.​
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