God-honoring Principles for Long-term Sustainability and Success in Womanhood, Life and Leadership
—and your next best step towards building an extraordinary life of impact, while also building a legacy of wealth, without compromising your values, or losing yourself and your family in the process.
Rediscover The Power & Purpose of Womanhood and Reposition Your Life for Sustainable Success!

The IDEAL Formula was created out of a need to redefine what it means to be the ideal woman in a world that has, for centuries, orchestrated a model of womanhood that is not only unrealistic, but also laced in idolatry.
If you're like me and most high-performing women, you've struggled with:​
feelings of resentment and are oftentimes conflicted by your desire for a life of impact and your desire to raise a happy healthy family without losing either one, or both, trying to live up to these unrealistic, worldly, and sometimes downright impossible standards — feeling less than ideal or perhaps not "woman enough" to be, do, and have all the things.
I've been there, and you know what I've found? "The ideal woman does not exist outside of who God says she is" — and by the way, you are woman enough!
The IDEAL Formula:
Reintroduces you to yourself,
Defines womanhood based on God's original intent,
Redefines what it means to be the ideal woman, and
Teaches you how to become the ideal woman of your life,
With a proven framework to lead a compelling life of impact, while building a legacy of wealth, without compromising your values or losing yourself and your family in the process.​​​
What You Can Expect...
Womanhood Foundations
Rediscover The Power & Purpose of Womanhood
Uncover the origin and 7 foundational truths that define womanhood, and how to easily recognize the patterns that threaten your power, purpose, and authority as a woman of virtue.
The New IDEAL Model
Unleash The IDEAL Woman Within
Redefine what it means to be “the ideal woman” in this 21st century, unleash the ideal woman within, and learn what it takes to become the ideal woman
of your life.
Sustainable Success
Thrive In Womanhood,
Lead In Life
Explore the proven framework for experiencing exponential personal growth, and achieving sustainable success in womanhood, life and leadership, while building a legacy of wealth and wisdom.

Meet Your Instructor
Natasha Solomon
The Womanhood Mentor and Personal Growth Consultant for
High Performing Women of Faith
As a young girl growing up in South America, I dreamt of living an impactful and powerful life. To me this meant I had to become the "ideal", or in other words, a "perfect" woman. Over the years I found myself trying to live up to an unrealistic expectation of that "ideal", which left me feeling disempowered, defeated and worst of all broken, like I had somehow failed at womanhood.
An unrealistic view of womanhood did not prepare me for real life as a woman. It certainly did not prepare me for the realities of life as a wife, mother, and young professional out in a world that neither recognized nor knew who I was.
I was ill-equipped and struggled to be the perfect wife and mother, daughter, sister and friend, while nurturing a corporate profession, starting a non-profit, and toying with the idea of entrepreneurship. As a result, I lost both my identity and my family.
After just five years of marriage, I divorced my husband and embarked on a journey of rediscovery, which ultimately led to redemption. It allowed me to restore what I thought was once lost and rebuild what I thought was broken. After five years of separation my husband and I reconciled our marriage, created a beautiful home, and are working together to create a kinder and more loving world for our children.
My womanhood story has been and continues to be the inspiration and the reason why I encourage, educate and equip others on the power and purpose of womanhood, and teach other high-performing women of faith how to achieve their most ambitious goals and lead a compelling life of impact without compromising their values, or losing themselves and their family in the process, like I once did.
The Logistics
The Expansiveness of Womanhood​
A Masterclass Over Coffee
The first Reimagine Womanhood© Masterclass of 2024 is essentially a Crash Course on The Expansiveness of Womanhood. It launches on November 4th and is delivered live virtually at 3pm, with 48hour access to the replay.
This course will last approximately 90mins with time for Q&A at the end of the session.
Attendees may ask questions throughout the masterclass in the Facebook group with an opportunity for discussion during the Q&A session.
Registration is now open and closes on 11:59pm on November 1st.
Enroll today and I will see you on the inside woman!