I'm Natasha Solomon.
Your Womanhood, Life, and Leadership Consultant, Transformational Speaker, and Author of the upcoming book 'Thrive In Womanhood, Lead In Life: Embrace Your Identity, Embody Authenticity, and Achieve Self-mastery."
I'm also a Bible believing woman of faith, wife, and mother of two beautiful human beings.
It's so nice to meet you!
My Womanhood Story
As a young woman growing up, I dreamt of being the perfect wife and mother, a leader and all-around boss lady --- "the ideal woman". My life experiences however have been anything but ideal!
The truth is, I didn't understand what it truly meant to be a woman other than becoming a wife and a mother, so I had no idea what to expect on this journey, let alone what was expected of me.
I simply had to figure out what I needed to do and who I needed to be in order to thrive in this amazing and impactful life I said I wanted. What started out as a journey to becoming "the ideal woman" ended up being a more than ideal journey to becoming the woman God called me to be, and today that is what I do.
I teach other women how to thrive on their own womanhood journey, to live in alignment with their ideal identity, and lead with integrity both inside & outside their homes, so they can live fulfilling lives doing the things they love with the people that matter most to them, without compromising their values.

Welcome to the Thrive Womanhood Journey.
Hi, I'm Natasha Solomon. If this is your first time meeting me, welcome to my happy place!
Here's what you need to know about me: I'm a wife, mother of two beautiful human beings, a Bible believing woman of faith and visionary, a lover of fine dining and quality over quantity, and I watch animated movies like a 4-year-old because it makes my inner child so very happy.
​I am on a mission to elevate womanhood for greater impact, and I do that by teaching women the foundations necessary to thrive in womanhood.
I'm also a Transformational Speaker, Founder of Thrive Womanhood and Thrive Excellence Agency, Host of The Thrive Womanhood Podcast, and Author of the upcoming book, "Thrive Womanhood: Embrace Your True Identity, Achieve Self-mastery, and Lead with Integrity"
I'm so pleased to meet you!
What I do and Why...
I am on a mission to elevate womanhood for greater impact, and I do this by helping ambitious and highly driven women thrive, with grace and integrity, on their womanhood journey, and become leaders both inside and outside their home without compromising their values.
Having navigated my own journey as a highly driven young woman, my experiences have been anything but ideal! I didn't actually know what it meant to be a woman, other than becoming a wife and a mother, and so I didn't know what to expect on this journey. I just knew I had to figure out what I needed to do and who I needed to be in order to thrive in this amazing and impactful life I said I wanted. What started out as a journey to become the "ideal woman" ended up being a more than ideal journey to becoming the woman God called me to be.
As a Womanhood, Life, and Leadership Coach and Consultant, I teach women the foundations that are necessary for them to thrive on their own womanhood journey, to find the courage to be themselves by achieving self-mastery to become leaders both inside and outside their homes and achieve their most ambitious goals without compromising their values, so they can live fulfilling lives doing the things they love with the people that matter most to them.
This hasn't always been my mission, so let me tell you how I got here...
Here's My Story...

I thought I had womanhood all figured out, until I didn't.
The Ideal Woman
When I was a young girl growing up, I thought the ideal woman was a model of perfection. I envisioned an intelligent, well-educated woman with her own business, the perfect wife (think 2004 film, The Stepford Wives), and mother of twelve - because why not? dream big or dream bigger!
I wanted to become her and be the kind of woman other young women could look up to.
I thought I had womanhood all figured out, until I didn't. Instead of allowing myself to be refined for what I said I wanted, I jumped in head first and watched everything crumble around me.
I was discontent, unfulfilled, resentful, and worse of all, broken.

A Transformative Journey
By the age of 26, I had transitioned from being a young single woman, to wife and mother, college graduate and working professional in a relatively short period of time.
I thought I had successfully transitioned into womanhood and was well on my way.
The truth is, I didn't transition into those roles well.
Everything seemed to be happening all at once, and it looked nothing like I'd imagined.
Everything was happening all at once!
The Broken Pieces
After separating from my husband of 5 years, I became radical about picking up the broken pieces of my womanhood.
During this particular season of my life, I created a sanctuary for myself, which allowed me the space, time, and stillness I needed to slowly pick up the broken pieces of my womanhood and start over.
It was in that place and those dark corners, that God allowed me to rebuild what I thought was once broken, and restore what I thought was once lost, through redemption and reconciliation.
It was on the other side of redemption I realized that the ideal woman is not a model of perfection. She is not defined by the role/s she takes on as a woman, neither is she defined by the particular season or cycle of womanhood that she's in.
The ideal woman in fact, does not exist outside of who God says she is.

Restoration & Reconciliation
And so you see, after being separated for five years, my husband and I remarried in 2017.
Unplanned by us, destined by Elohim.
To date my husband and I have been married for a total of 15 years, and reside South of Atlanta, Georgia with our two amazing babies, ages 14 and 2.
It's a beautiful dynamic!

A Much Bigger Vision!

During the darkest time in my life, I found light in the redemptive power of my faith, hope, and my trust in God. I found the strength to own my worth, value my place in this world, and curated a life of purpose that I live with intentionality.
That particular season in my life allowed me to see, know, and learn the truth about womanhood, and completely transformed my view of not only what womanhood actually means, but also what it could look like.
I believe that as women we are called to shape the hearts and minds of those around us, and womanhood is the vessel that allows us to do that. It is therefore, absolutely necessary to master ones own self-worth, know the purpose for which you were created, and how you can use the gifts and talents you possess to impact the world, without compromising your values.
I want that for you.
This is the purpose for which I have been called, destined by the sum total of all those dark corners I had to navigate on my own journey through womanhood.
It is my mission to help women like you redefine what it means to be the ideal woman and essentially become the ideal woman God has called you to be, so that you can know, understand and value who you are ideally and live the kind of life that will transform generations.
Generations born out of the legacy created by women like you and me.